Posters, Booklets and Leaflets

Post 9-11-2001, Islam has taken centre stage in world affairs. Bad publicity, distortion and onslaught about Islam and Muslims has become an easy target by scores of journalists, broadcasters, academics, and policy makers. Muslims in the west cannot afford to sit back. We have to respond, in a better, kinder, gentler manner.

Our duty is to invite and educate non-Muslims about the true teachings of Islam. Our outreach efforts have to be constructive and greater in quantity and quality.

Our exhibition material, books, leaflets and multimedia material are ideal for delivering the very beautiful message of Islam.

WAMYUK  Posters

Women In Islam–  A set of 10 posters presenting the role of women in Islamic society. Through its different sections, this set of posters helps to refute the negative stereotypical images about Muslim women.  To see the sample please Click here

Discover Islam-  A set of 30 posters. These unique posters have proved very useful for exhibitions as they introduce the various aspects of Islam, in a succinct, yet comprehensive way. To see the sample please Click here


– What is Islam? A holistic vision(Click here)

– Jesus: An Islamic view(Click here)

– The Qur’an: a book you can believe in(Click here)

– Muhammad: a role model for a new millennium(Click here)

– Women in Islam: beyond stereotypes(Click here)

– Islam is pure, natural and environmentally friendly(Click here)

– Jihad: Striving For Peace(Click here)

-What Is Ramadan?

Respect Each Other’s Feelings

– Why Should I Care?

– Nature Needs You

– What Islam Says About Bees

What Is Depression?

Children: Our Present,Our Future


Discover Islam… Consist of Concise and brief, providing a simplified introduction about Islam and the five pillars that constitute its faith and practice,we have in polish,French, Spanish languages available too(Click here to see the sample).

Islam:A Brief Tour… Consist of 53 pages, Brief, yet an excellent summary of what a non-Muslim needs to know about Islam. It’s beautifully designed, and ideal for distribution in schools, dawah exhibitions and Islam awareness events(Click here to see the sample).

Wamyuk material in different languages


– What is Islam? A holistic vision(Click here)

– The Qur’an: a book you can believe in(Click here)

– Muhammad: a role model for a new millennium(Click here)

– Women in Islam: beyond stereotypes(Click here)


– What is Islam? A holistic vision(Click here)

– Jesus: An Islamic view(Click here)

– The Qur’an: a book you can believe in(Click here)

– Muhammad: a role model for a new millennium(Click here)

– Women in Islam: beyond stereotypes(Click here)

– Islam is pure, natural and environmentally friendly(Click here)

For more information or to order any of the above  material please contact us at:

Tel: +44 (0) 20 7636 7010